[title_subtitle title=”Health Benefits” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”48″ subtitle=”Kebaikan Kesihatan” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”24″]
[title_subtitle title=”Reduce high blood pressure” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Easing constipation and improve bowel regularity” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan sembelit dan meningkatkan kekerapan membuang air besar” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Reduce cholesterol level” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan tahap kolesterol” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Prevention of cardiovascular blockage” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mencegah penyumbatan kardiovaskular” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Improving heart condition” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Memperbaiki keadaan jantung” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
[title_subtitle title=”Prevent the risk of heart attack or stroke” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengelakkan risko serangan jantung atau strok” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Slimming, whitening skin.” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Menguruskan badan, memutihkan kulit.” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Reduce mental fatigue and sleepiness as a result of poor blood circulation” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan keletihan mental dan mengantuk akibat peredaran darah yang lemah” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Reduce numbness” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan kebas” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”][title_subtitle title=”Alleviate discomfort of hemorrhoids” title_color=”#aeb36e” title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Mengurangkan ketidakselesaan buasir” subtitle_color=”#dbdebf” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
[title_subtitle title=”Serving Suggestion” title_color=”#244737″ title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Cadangan Hidangan” subtitle_color=”#aeb36e” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
[title_subtitle title=”Gentle Reminder” title_color=”#244737″ title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Peringantan” subtitle_color=”#aeb36e” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
- Shake well before consume
- Consume 1-2 Table Spoon(s) in the morning before meal.
- People with a history of gastric related problem are advised to consume after meal.
- Goncang sebelum minum
- Minum 1 – 2 sudu pada waktu pagi sebelum sarapan.
- Minum selepas makan sekiranya mempunyai masalah gastrik.
Due to the natural properties of the ingredients, the product may vary in colour and taste from batch to batch.
Sila ambil perhatian bahawa oleh sebab sifat semula jadi bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam produk ini, adanya kemungkinan warna dan rasa produk ini akan berbeza dalam setiap keluaran.
[title_subtitle title=”Nutrition Facts” title_color=”#244737″ title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Fakta Nutrisi” subtitle_color=”#aeb36e” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
[title_subtitle title=”Storage” title_color=”#244737″ title_size=”20″ subtitle=”Simpanan” subtitle_color=”#aeb36e” subtitle_size=”15″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]
Serving Size |Saiz Hidangan | 100ml | 30ml |
Energy | Tenaga | 102 kcal | 30.6 kcal |
Carbohydrate | Karbohidrat | 23.4g | 7.02g |
Protein | Protein | 2.2g | 0.66g |
Fat | Lemak | < 0.1g | < 0.03g |
Sugar | Gula | 13.7g | 4.11g |
Keep in cool & dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Refrigerate after opening.
Simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering. Elak daripada cahaya matahari.
Simpan dalam peti sejuk selepas dibuka.
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